Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Mobile eBay Auctions

» Mobile eBay Auctions - Moconews.net
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Another logical mobile application…Moonlight Mobile has released a J2ME application called Mobile Auctions, which basically integrates with the eBay website to allow people to connect from their mobiles. The release gives some idea of why this is useful — 63% of active eBay users are away from their computer when the auction closes and 50% of bids are made in the last five minutes of an auction.
The service is available for a monthly fee, which isn’t disclosed and is probably different depending on the market. The service is available in 10 countries and six languages — English, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and German.
The service allows you to bid, watch, sell and search. I like the “Bag a Bargain” feature, where you search for items that are finishing in one hour and don’t have a unique bid.

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