Wednesday, March 22, 2006

UK market mobile content estimates - from Fierce MoCo

UK MoCo market to triple by 2010

According to a recent report conducted by PayPal and Datamonitor, the U.K. market for digital content will reach £1.14 billion by 2010, a three-fold growth from £380 million in 2005. The uptake in 3G mobile will drive the market growth as mobile music, movie clips and mobile TV services mature over the next five years. Last year, ringtones, realtones and screensavers made up two-thirds of mobile content sales, while mobile gaming accounted for much of the remaining third, however, full-track music will rake in £200 million in sales in 2010. Video downloads will account for 11 percent of MoCo sales within the next four years. PayPal's conclusion, of course, is that "the challenge will be in creating [a] payment mechanism that means businesses can monetize their content without being entirely beholden to the mobile networks."

For more information on the U.K.'s MoCo market:
- check out this article from

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